의류학과 김혜림 교수

숙명여자대학교 의류학과 텍스타일 분야 교수
한국의류시험연구원 인증심의위원

연구 분야
1. Sustainable fabrics ( – Production of Bio leather using bacterial cellulose – Enzymatic processing – Natural Dyeing)

2. Functional/Smart Fabrics ( – 3D printing textiles – Smart Sensor by weaving, knitting, and printing-Microencapsulation)

3. Textile design ( – Surface design for fabrics – Weaving & Knitting)

1. 송화순, 김인영, 김혜림, 이소희 (개정5판) 텍스타일, (주)교문사, 2022.9
2. 김혜림, 이소희, 김인영, 김수미, 의류학 전공자를 위한 패브릭 디자인 _위빙&니팅,(주) 교문사, 2019. 8.


1. Kim, H., Song, J.E. & Kim, H.R. (2021.3) Comparative study on the physical entrapment of soy and mushroom proteins on the durability of bacterial cellulose bio­leather. Cellulose (2021). 28:3183–3200. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10570-021-03705-0. Open access (https://rdcu.be/ceVVt)

2. Cong Wang, Euijin Shim, Hyung-Kwan Chang, Nuree Lee, Hye Rim Kim, Jungyul Park (2020. 12), Sustainable and high-power wearable glucose biofuel cell using long-term and high-speed flow in sportswerar fabrics. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 169, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bios.2020.112652.

3. Hyunjin Kim, Ji Eun Song, Carla Silva and Hye Rim Kim (2020.07), Production of conductive bacterial cellulose-polyaniline membranes in the presence of metal salts,Textile Research Journal, 90(13-14) 1517-1526, DOI: 10.1177/0040517519893717journals.sagepub.com/home/trj.

4. Seul Gi Kim, Ji Eun Song and Hye Rim Kim (2020.04), Development of fabrics by digital light processing three-dimensional printing technology and using a polyurethane acrylate photopolymer, Textile Research Journal, 90(7–8) 847–856, DOI: 10.1177/0040517519881821journals.sagepub.com/home/trj.